Sunday, June 28, 2009

Guys - here's our latest updated things to do. from

House to-do's

Mount whiteboard
Andy Varyu: Move futon in and red small couch to Andy's room
Andy Varyu: Pick up paint swatches
Get a swiffer sweeper for main room
Build dish drying system for upstairs kitchen
Jeff Schneider: Bring home Bar towels for use in cleaning
Set up containers system inside for recycling, compost, and bar towel washing
Josh Samuelson: Set up online bill-paying system using
Mount Brandon's coat hanger thing on front door
Andy Varyu: Take stab at setting up online chore division tool using google docs
Josh Samuelson: Do photoshop scenario of front room with different colors
Josh Samuelson: Arrange with Bryce when he can start moving his stuff over
Andy Varyu: Link Basecamp projects tool and tool to Lydia House blog
Get a Mailbox - with key - that can be mounted (in ground or on fence)